Well this past weekend has not been looking good for the United States has it? While most of us were seeking shelter since the bad, but not nearly as bad as 1989 heat wave, John Boehner decided to walk away from the White House in negotiating a solution to the nations various economic troubles.
The process has been ass backwards from the get-go. The “Debt Ceiling” situation should have been tackled months ago, but was put off. The two houses of congress should have been negotiating first, THEN the President gets involved through final arbitration.
The Democratic party has already had it’s balls cut off in the negotiations, so their pitfalls need not be examined to closely. Fact is that forcing through the health care reform act the way they did spent all of their political capital for the next decade. While as a party they do in fact have a point in this crisis of the month largely they are drowned out.
As far as the Republican party though, their failure comes in three distinct steps
1) Pledges made by many party members of various imports kneecapped any flexibility to perform in any way on this issue.
2) The inability to separate running a government from ideas of running a household or a business has made Draconion and unfair budget cutting the keystone to their policy, rather then a component part.
3) Inability to see oppourtunity to further bury their opposing party through compromise (the gather more flies with honey then vinegar theory)
Let’s make no mistake here, Democrats and moderate Republicans were MORE THEN FAIR in the negotiations. By offering 3 Billion Dollars in cuts in exchange for 1 dollar in tax revenue, most would call that a deal everyone can agree to. Various polls stated that Americans could live with the so called “Gang of Six” deal hammered out.
House Republicans, who make up the largest part of the now proven inept “Tea Party Caucus” seem to forget the lesion that Democrats proved with the Health Care Reform Act. If you want to forcibly enact fundamental change on such a large scale to the United States, you need control of all three houses of government. The Republican party currently has control of ONE. This leaves the House of Representatives the equivalent of a High School Student Council petitioning the Board of Trustees. You get heard, but your agenda will not go anywhere without negotiation.
At this point I have largely given up on this monetary crisis. I actually am hoping that the nation goes into default, and that public blame gets spread around everywhere. There is an old saying “All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Given that the congress, who all are fundamentally good people, has done nothing to avert crisis, it should be perfectly fair that the evils that will follow be laid at their feet.
Let the Fates fall where they may.