Friday, November 12, 2010

Trippy goo!

Why is it when you get an actual cook book you never use it, but when you get cooking software, suddenly the kitchen is your empire?

Why is it that when a woman finds her mans porn collection, she is shocked, appalled, and offended... yet when a man find his woman "I love me" drawer or chest he calls her and asks for a demonstration?
*Generalization ended*

So a Black guy, a woman from San Fransico, and a Mormon are in charge of a country. God Bless America.

Friends help you move, true friends help you move bodies

Beer is in fact beer, and beer is good.

what if the Illuminati and the military industrial complex is nothing more then a n apathetic 90 year old former communist named Bob who is snickering at the crazy ideas "free minded" people have about him.

Aslain is Jesus

I can create a well reasoned legal argument to get out of any crime by saying that I did not have any involvement in the movie "Batman and Robin"

Keep watching the 17 year old in the black trench coat, it will distract you from the big scary guy with the machete

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