Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well yet again I want to wish everyone a happy New Year! 2010 was odd for me, a collection of good bad an ugly. Lap 28 is about to finish up for me personally and have I had one hell of a year. Enjoy my list of best and worst

Best Video Game that I expected to be good: Halo Reach. Yes toss be in with the cult of the Master Chief. The series has its many detractors, but I have always found the mix of music, story, and rock solid mechanics to be compelling. And Halo, unlike other multiplayer games online, is fun for me. Bungies Swan song is an A +. I can leave the franchise behind here if I need to, especially since Microsoft is planning on milking it on their own.

Best “Where the hell did you come from” Video Game: Darksiders. In an era where hyper realist gameplay and first person shooters reign supreme, here was a dungeon crawler in the vein of Legend of Zelda I just could not put down. The Colors were magnificent (the only brown was in a dessert), the artwork looked almost Todd McFarlane, and the story is great for those of us who dig Biblical mythology as mythology.

Best Movie: Iron Man 2. This film was what a sequel should be. The producers and director took what they had and improved it modestly, rather then trying to go over the damn top. The jury is still out on Tron Legacy and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is half a film (BUT A DAMN GOOD HALF A FILM) meanwhile I have yet to see a lot of the oscar contenders I wanted to see.

Best Television Series: This year it was How I Met Your Mother. I am looking at this show going “I see my college life in this!”

Best New Song: the Geek and Gamer Girls song, by Team Unicorn.

Best New Person: Carrie. Sometimes people just bump into each other and a strong friendship forms, go figure.

Best Old Friend: Pamela. Hey, weren’t you on my “worst” list last year? Shows how people can make up despite some pretty heavy disputes.

Best “what the hell am I doing moment”: Taking some corny ass fan fics with my buddy Chris and I, and saying “lets make our OWN Battletech sourcebook out of this!”

Best new hobby: Lighting a stick on fire and twirling it around.

Best excuse to have a beer: “you just finished your beer!”

Best Nerd Moment: Playing Dungeons and Dragons, and my wife pulls a spell from her characters list. The DM characterizes the spell as Black pool surrounding an area, and tentacles coming up to crush the dragonmen, and we all start making it sound more like Henai then D&D!

Best “this will be regretted later”: finally getting a tattoo. It’s A Steiner fist to represent my son.

Worst Video Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. finally got it on gamefly 2 months after Call of Duty Black Ops came out. Expect a future Arbitration on this, but the short of it is I am getting tired of competitive multiplayer engines.

Worst Movie: Wolfman. I seriously did not emote with the character at all, like I would expect in modern film remakes.

Worst Television Series: South Park, seriously it is getting to the point where only one or two episodes a year are memorable, and the rest is just gags on the news.

Worst New Song: the “Roommate Song” by Brentalfloss

Worst New Person: Sarah. Girl you broke my best friend’s heart, all cause you are refusing to deal with your shit.

Worst old Friend: sadly I can not name anyone without being guilty of something myself. So I will instead apologize to everyone who thought I was a total fuck-tard this past year.

Worst “what the hell am I doing moment”: trying to drive strait through to Indianapolis from Kansas City in the wee hours, we had to get a motel overnight at Pon Du Hoc Indiana.

Worst New Hobby: making resin recasts of miniatures.

Worst Excuse to Have a Beer: seeing your mother, much as she drives you crazy, in a medically induced coma

Worse Nerd Moment: Watching Transformers Prime, and realizing that Peter Cullen and Frank Welker really are not that good at Optimus Prime and Megatron…

Worst “this will be regretted later.” Agreeing to take all of my grandfathers unopened model airplanes. While my wife may be doing the leg-work on selling them, it has been slow.

And for a third part of this “things in 2011 I am looking forward to

Video game for 2011: Duke Nukem Forever. I have not said that in 10 years. The game that time forgot apparently will be out around my birthday. It better cure cancer after the 12 year wait.

Movie for 2011: Conan. “Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."

Television: for Piers Morgan to be able to overcome the “He is not Larry King” wall he faces.

Event: As always Gencon 2011

Concert: I really want to see Godsmack on stage again

News Event: Der Pope to keel over and lets get someone less Euro-Centric in the papacy

Comedy- Furry Comic, and cool entertainer 2 The Ranting Gryphon to continue his mainstream rise and get a Comedy Central Half hour.

Books- I just want to be impressed by a writer again.

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