Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Giant, Effing Robots Part 1

I have been a fan of a game universe called Battletech, for over half of my life. My first encounter came with a kid in Sixth grade named Alex Fox, who introduced me to a cartoon, and told me there was a board game and book series as well. I was hooked immediately.

it does not surprise me, I was, and still am, a fan of Transformers, as well as other imported mecha such as Voltron. I even admit to enjoying the Power Rangers in my youth. but that Battletech has kept my attention for so long is something truly special.

the best thing about the game universe is that it has a little something for everyone. if you just like political and military drama in a sci-fi universe, you can stick to the novels. if you prefer computer games, the MechWarrior series fits your bill. On the tabletop side, you can make as elaborate or as simple a game as you wish. if you only want to kill a few hours, you can do a simple scenario of 4 Mechs on 4 Mechs, or if you want to be elaborate, there are rules for commanding the entire military of a galactic empire.

this game is literally only a year younger then I am. I have done my personal duty to spread the word of Battletech near and far, and this blog will be a part of it. Nest time I will talk about my favorite part of the hobby, the miniatures

Monday, July 27, 2009

a Word to Twilight fans

Stephanie Meyer is a talentless hack!

Seriously, twilight fans young and old need to Re-read this bullshit that they are so adorned with, cause I am getting sick of it. this johnny come lately fandom is so out of control that it flooded downtown San Diego during the ComiCon, and prevented people from getting INTO the convention center to enjoy other panels.

Now here is the thing. I consider myself a fan of Vampire lore. from the oldest myths about creatures kidnapping virgins, to Stokers fable of an infamous Romanian noble. From Anne Rice's take of a 300 year old Frenchmen, all the way up to Marvel Comic's tales of an entire Vampire Culture living hidden among us, Vampires fascinate me. even Eidos' Legacy of Kain Video Games have contributed something positive to the collection of tales on Vampires.

Stephanie Meyer takes these sources, rolls them up into a little ball and throws them into a Yiff room at a Furry Convention.

Her Vampires are "Vegetarians" by citing the consumption of animal blood. We see something similar in "interview with a Vampire" where Louis resists the urge to kill human beings for the sake of his own life. this behavior weakens him however, and after enough time he ends of feeding on a child to save his own life. in Stoker, it is mentioned that at Vampire can feed on any life, but only human blood can provide the best nourishment possible. in other Vampire fiction it is impossible to feed on any other creature at all.

While Meyer's Vampires can be out in the light, a theme shared by Stoker, the fact the sun has no ill effects and essentially "outs" then due to what I call the "bling effect" is an invention that exists merely to make vampirisim pretty to young girls.

Finally there is the characterization itself. I would cite my own opinion here, but I think it pretty much follows Laura Miller from Salon.Com's opinion.

"the characters, such as they are, are stripped down to a minimum, lacking the texture and idiosyncrasies of actual people"

"Twilight would be a lot more persuasive as an argument that an "amazing heart" counts for more than appearances if it didn't harp so incessantly on Edward's superficial splendors."

And then what about the sex? Seriously what about it. In an era where people delude themselves about kids having sex at younger and younger ages (a myth I will talk about in another post) this OCD chick Bella is chaste to the point of being barely alive. she seriously orgasm's at being touched by this ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR YEAR OLD. the pseudo paedophilic nature of this relationship is glossed over because he looks seventeen or eighteen. The entire treatment of Sex screams from Meyer's Mormon upbringing. She vaguely implies becoming a vampire is akin to losing your virginity, and thus should not happen on a whim. The numerous times Bella asks to be turned could almost be replaced with "Turn me into your fuck-toy," turning religious sexual frustration onto young girls that may or may not be ready for such pressures.

My biggest complaint about this whole series though, is that the vampires this story centers around have had their proverbial balls cut off. Vampires are almost portrayed as universally predatory, treating people they way people treat cattle, or sometimes the way a cat treats a mouse. even in tales where a vampiric culture is attempting to live covertly among humanity, they do not blend in, but rather stay in the shadows unless it suits them. Meyer's attempt to normalize vampire's completely defeats the purpose of them not being normal.

Sorry to all the teen girls out there, but long and short is I find nothing redeeming about the series, and the author behind it is bland, boring, and in her attempts to be original, proceeds to do nothing but create a "PG-13" rated harlequin series.

in short, Stephanie Meyer is a talentless hack

Did Anyone Get the Number on That Mack Truck?

Wow my world went upside down and spent the better part of 12 days getting to some semblence of normalcy. First we moved, then there was a dispute over a laundry machine with the folks who bought my old place, then Baby is born (Victor Ian Phelan Bixby, July 17th) and there is still too much damn unpacking to do.

I may only be a week into this whole parenting gig, but it is fun. I marvel at the little wonder Victor is. My mother and father often marveled at how I grew up so fast and unexpededly, and yet when I see my son, I notice the subtle changes that happen day in and out. his hair going lighter then darker, the change in his eyes, the formation of a personality. he makes me wonder if habits that parents have become instincts for the offspring. even at a week old I see many of my wife's and my mannerisims in him. of course, like Images of Michael Jackson in toast, I could be seeing what I want to see, but it is still fascinating.

the only time I have EVER been this exhausted is after a weekend at Gencon in Indianapolis, and at least that is FUN! now find out my mother is headed to town this week for a four day "meet the grandbaby" excursion, which has me aprehensive as all hell.

I do not have a positive relationship with my mother. over the course of my twenty six years of life it took me this long to realize she was very abusive towards those around her. like many families, my father, myself, and other enabled her, not realizing we were feeding whatever circuit that said her behavior was acceptable. that behavior ultimately led to her leaving my Dad, flooding my kid brother with an abandonment issue, and really putting a final nail in the coffin of maintaining a positive relationship with me.

I am caught now between a rock and hard place. I do not want to prevent her from being a grandmother, but at the same time I can not tolerate her treating my son the way she treated me. and frankly if the rumors floating around her siblings about her second husband are true, I do not want him setting foot in my city ever.

hopefully my life will get back to an acceptable form of "normal" soon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So yes, it is finally over. as of today at 10 AM I am fully moved into the old place, and the new one is no longer my concern. moving is an experience that I can hardly describe. Traumatic does not fit, but at the same time it is the only word that seems to work. after all the stress, and all of the fuss, I am in a new house surrounded by boxes, and I just want to curl up in bed and wallow for a few days.

There is more work on the hosue to be done, but this week we plan on doing the relativly minor stuff, setting up the nursery and the home theater (which does not have to be extensivly remodeled as it turns out!)and the kitchen are our top priorities. after that is the Modeling studio, and the bedroom, while a professional is handling our major repair issues.

the house warming is in September, see ya then folks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cheetos, Toast, and the Man in the Mirror

I have a simple question.

People have been seeing Michael Jacksons image in doors, trees, walls, on ramps, windows, toast, and even cheetos. people have been calling the reaction silly hallucinations.

at the same time, for CENTURIES, people have seen the image of the Virgin Mary, or Jesus Christ in the same objects. These are miracles, and signs of faith to a lot of people (despite the offical word of the Vatican.)

how are these different. the point is people are seeing what they want to see, and it is all a sign of a weak mind looking for some assurance of a great beyond. We seem to have this need to be comofrted, and to know that this life is not all we have.

I have no desire to shatter such beliefs in people, but it is so much mental masturbation that I can not help but laugh.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Arbiters Movie Reviews: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

This was the SHIT! So it begins with some meaningless prologue of prehistoric humans being trounced by Robots building some great big THING! I am sure if we had a bunch of people build a great big thing the economy would pick up.

So then we go to China! The home of all Transformers! Army guys hop out, and we are introduced to new characters, there is ARCEE! Who has like three lines, and her TWO MOTORCYCLE FRIENDS, who don’t speak at all?


And now some giant pickup truck is carrying soldiers and then… WIZCRACKUMPHAHRUMBLEWHEEE! And IRONHIDE IS BACK, and he can smell someone, despite all the pollution in china.

And now this giant earth mover goes WIZCRACKUMPHAHRUMBLEWHEEE. AND A MASSIVE DECEPTICON goes on a rampage through out china, turning buildings and cars, and highways into stir fry! And then an Audi tries to run away, and no one knows why so IT MUST BE DECEPTICON! And they were right. And this Ice Cream truck and Arcee’s trio of awesomeness pursue, and shoot it up, and then a NEW AUTOBOT shows up and ROLLER BLADEs in Shanghais industrial sector, and slices the Decepticon in HALF.

TAKE THAT POTENTIAL FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! I hear the Audi was named Sideways but it doesn’t matter. Hey wasn’t that two wheeled Decepticon destroying half of China!

And NO ONE CAN TAKE IT DOWN! Finally people call in the big guns and here is OPTIMUS PRIME! But he is on a plane, how can we resolve Optimus in a plane, it is not like he can jump…out… of… the… plane.

That introduction was sheer awesomeness. And PLOT COMMENCES!

Okay I will stop with the plot summary by now. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was a FUN movie. That is not to say that it was a GOOD movie. It was full of Plot holes, and it suffered from a lack of character development like the last movie. I can not completely and competently rate it without breaking it down.

First characterization. I feel way too much time was spent giving the characters Skids and Mud Flap. There has already been well publicized flak about these two being “racist” robots. I do not see a regressive racial stereotype here per say, but the two do portray an annoying image. I saw a pair of Urban (NOT NESSICARILY BLACK) sixteen year old high school dropouts who joined the army. They seemed to have had no combat experience, despite being soldiers of a self described elite team. And they seemed very uneducated, despite being robots being programmed. With so much time and dialogue spent for two comic relief characters devoted to a lowest common denominator, it was such a waste, when compared to such a rich history of Transformers characters, or even things like the Arcee Triplets Sideswipe and Jolt IN THE MOVIE!

Speaking of Jolt, if you do not recall that name being used, he is the Blue Autobot in the background you first see halfway through the movie, and he doesn’t talk EVER! He seemed to exist only to enable a Climatic Deus Ex Machina. Likewise Sideswipe and Arcee both were underdeveloped. If Skids and Mudflap were replaced with two other Autobots, and the Arcee Triplets and Jolt were escorting the Humans around the film would have been better.

Surprisingly the Decepticons characterization was MUCH better. We got to see great interaction between Megatron and Starscream. This harkens back to the classic cartoon where the two were constantly being at odds. I have heard some complaints about the Soundwave character being under used, and under developed. Once again we must harken back to the Original cartoon. Soundwave was an uncharismatic blue block of Tape Deck, described as a spy and communications expert, the fact that he was parked in orbit and orchestrating the entire Decepticon action from afar seems perfectly in character.

The biggest problem is this Fallen character is a failing of characterization. He was completely unnecessary. He completely sidelines Megatron as Transformers primary villain. Throughout the Transformers universe Megatron was IT, he was bad guy numero uno. Now we have some star wars esque Vader and Emperor relationship. Between the time spent to render and make the Fallen and Hugo Weavings unbelievable salary voicing Megatron, we could have gotten three different secondary but quality Decepticons.

In terms of Plot, I hate it when the story stops in favor of exposition. There are points where I find it acceptable, such as the opening Crawl in Star Wars. But to bring a fill to a screeching halt in order to tell people what is happening screams to me that someone was running out of writing time. Given the writers strike of a year or two ago, I am not surprised if that was ACTUALLY the case. Now keeping in mind that the film is based on a 1980s cartoon that served as a 30 minute commercial for toys, I realize that this film fit perfectly in the 80’s cartoon.

What would have made it better? First off, I would have loved it if at one point, ANY POINT, Megatron betrayed his master. Megatron the lacky is counterintuitive to the entire franchise. In earlier incarnations Megatron had said “I BELONG TO NO ONE!” to an being that tried to command him.

Secondly, I would have to say this, and please Paramount listen. Less Exposition, more characterization. A perfect divergence point for this film would have been where Megatron “Killed” Optimus. Wounded to the point of being pulled into “Stasis Lock” (look it up, it is a Transformers term), he is brought back on life support to Diego Garcia, and the Humans turn on the Autobots. At this point the whole film does not become about the “Sun Crusher” or a great big energon source. Instead it is about the human race at war with all Cybertonions, regardless of their faction, and the attempt to get a relative peace between the Autobots and human race going.

Now for my wishes for the third movie.

Characters- I WANT to see Soundwave engaged in ground action. I said before that his function in this movie was brilliant, but I want to see a Robot Mode all the same.

Skids and Mudflap need to be rotated back to Cyberton and forgotten, and replaced with two other Autobots. I nominate the characters Cliffjumper and Brawn for such a task, though actual mileage may vary. I want to see a lot more Autobots in the background, but instead of being like the generic decepticons in this film, I want them to LOOK like they have vehicular forms.

Finally I want that super Robot, Devastator to come back. Mortally wounded, or just “hey we have a few of these guys” I do not care about the explanation. But he got punked in a manner I do not like. Likewise, Take advantage of the Transformers history, and bring in an autobot analogue. I picture 5 Autobot planes flying in formation (an A-10, F-16, F-18, F-15, and either a B1, B2, or C-17) combining in midair and landing as a super robot. At the same time, unlike this recent film, I want to see the components as their own robots functioning independently as a team.

For Decepticon Characters, lets bring in a few of the more amazing ones. The character Shockwave being reintroduced into the universe as Megatrons “enforcer” would be wonderful. I would also like to see Starscream commanding a team of two other jets, like Arcee and her motorcycles. Give those two jets names on screen, and a couple lines of military dialogue, and you got a good thing. Above all make the decepticons effectual, something that was lacked in the last film

Finally for human interaction, after two films, I think we can lower the human side a bit. Give Sam and Mikela like 20 minutes and then ride them into the sunset, Keep other Humans as far away as possible, and have the only humans with any extended screen time be Josh Dumhal and Tyrese Gibson. The idea of a Team of Human Military Liasons is a great plot point, and could be exploited much better.

Final Rating for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. As a Transformers fan I want to give it a High Rating, but as a film buff, that rathing is Crippled. I will give it 3 out of 5 energon Cubes total. If split I would give 5 of 5 for action and fun, and 2 of 5 for writing.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

House buying

We did it, somehow we pulled off the deal. My Wife and I close on the house next Friday. The best thing about it is that the deal was on life support for a couple of weeks. After we had an inspector kick the tires of this house, and a contractor give an estimate of how much the cost of repair would be, we went back to the seller.

this is the part of the negotiations where we ask them to fix stuff or the deal is off. well as it turns out he now lives in Maui, so he can not fix stuff. so we say "fine lower the price."

his response "I can't." my jaw hit the fucking floor at that point. as fate would have it he was just barely making enough money from our sale to pay off the mortgage, and he had no extra personal funds to lower the price of his own accord. basically the guy was broke, and when we stumbled across him, he was a step shy of foreclosure.

in my personal correspondence to the seller of this house he said he was shocked and saddened by then inspection report, and regretted turning the home into a rental (which is a direct cause of most of the damage to the house). easily forgiven. my solution was to have him turn to family. Beg, borrow, and steal, pass the collection plate at church, and cash in whatever hidden away investments he had. if he wanted to keep the deal alive, I would need at least a certain percentage of the repair costs covered.

low and behold the SOB came through.

once again, I have to emphasize, this process of buying a house is not for the weak of heart. you have to be tough, keep your options open, and be willing to make compromises. sometimes you will get fucked over by things that are completely beyond your control. other times houses that you thought were "it" turns out to be junk after the inspection. Other times you just find completely inflexible sellers. the current buzzword in this economy is "as is" where a seller is unwilling to make repairs. so many listings I have had to go through have had this phrase in their listing.

Warts and all should apply to relationships with people, not with homes.

anyway, we close next week, and we are going to move in over the weekend, followed by renovations. let the next chapter begin.

Stay renters folks