Friday, April 15, 2011


Remeber my Arbitration a few weeks ago about why Transformers Revenge of the Fallen sucked balls?

well the screen writers pretty much confirmed my hypothesis

New Blogs

for my few readers, my Brother in Law, and My friend are gonna try something new and cool.

this Blog is basically the beginning of a bad joke. it is what happens when a Jew, a Christian, and an Atheist walk into a bar. a blog where three men discuss, well, anything, and you get to see it happen.

you can find it at

This is Not Intended to be a Factual Statement

If I were John Kyl’s opponent in his next election I would be thanking every God and Demon that holds some sway over this world right now. For those not in the know, during the past budget crisis a huge hang up was federal dollars for planned parenthood. Said money made up one one-hundredth of one percent of the federal budget, .01% and yet it stalled the whole process.

The Gem of it was when one political party was saying that the American Taxpayer should not have to pay for Abortion Services. I actually think that is fair, and it has been the law of the land since 1976 with the Hyde Amendment. So why was it a big deal now? Any federal dollars given to plan parenthood is subject to audit, thus making this valuable organization have to prove federal money is not spent on such services. Problem solved right?

Enter John Kyl, who on the floor of the senate said, and I quote

“Abortion is 90% of what planned parenthood does.”

Let that sink in for a second. I will wait.

What John Kyl has said is that Abortion services make up 90% of Planned Parenthoods budget, which means that, thanks to the Hyde amendment they have a budget in the billions of dollars mostly provided by private donations.

Except that this has proven to be demonstrably false. As a non profit, planned parenthoods books are open to public scrutiny, and you find that abortion services make up a meager 3% of any funds spent by Planned Parenthood in the United States.

But I am not here to talk about abortion, I am here to talk about John Kyl and his defense when his statement. “Abortion is 90% of what planned parenthood does.” Was prove false in the public court.

“That was not intended to be a factual statement.”

Basically John Kyl lied on the floor of the senate, and admitted it. This means at the very least that his next election should be open season so long as at the end of every statement made you admit that “this is not intended to be a factual statement.”

Think about it.

“Hi, I am John Doe, and I want to tell you something about Senator John Kyl. Recent facts have come to light that Senator Kyl is a False Idol worshiping, child fondling heathen-devil-pagan. He snorted cocaine off the ass of Charlie Sheen, and has a total of 42 children by 56 different women. Is this the kind of man you want representing Arizona? Not me, I stand for doing the impossible, if you elect John Doe, I will work tirelessly to make sure the light barrier is broken, and we can divide by zero. I am John Doe, and I approve this message, even though it was not a factual statement.”

It is GOLD I tell you, think about Senatorial debates! Or refuting the entire election as not a factual statement.

All jokes aside, what Senator Kyl did was nothing new, but he just got busted pretty bad by it. Best case scenario is that this degenerates into a whole world of chaos and outright lying for a few election cycles before the people have had enough.

Worst case scenario though is that the people let Senator Kyl get away with it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Same Sex Marraige Logic Bomb

I wish I could claim credit for this, I really do. The truth is that my Brother-in-law wrote this little snippet about Same Sex Marriage, and I think it is worth repeating in the wide and indestructible world of the internet. I hope you have your suit on, it's time to get wet.

Let's start with the basics: National Organization for Marriage. Not Society. Not Children. Marriage. They care about marriage, pure and simple. They are founded right there at the tippy-top of THE slippery slope. They firmly believe Gay Marriage... is the stepping stone to total anarchy. The path down the slope includes all the following checkpoints: Polygamy, Zoophilic Marriage, Pedophilic Marriage, and teaching children how to be gay (also called 'recruitment').

How do we know this? They don't actually talk about protecting their own marriages - they talk about what gay marriage will do to children and society. They are strangely mute when it comes to their own marriages. I'm not even going to do more than mention that their most public face, Maggie Gallagher (that proud proponent of traditional marriage), still refuses to take her husband's name. But, that's something we aren't being told by NOM to think about. We are such bad people for that, aren't we?

Moving on to slightly more advanced topics, such as what gay marriage will actually DO to heterosexual marriages. This can be answered surprisingly simply: NOTHING. I have =yet= to meet =anyone= in a heterosexual marriage that actually fears what will happen to their marriage with their spouse if gay marriage is made legal. They trot up some story about their children, or society at large. They might even grace me with scripture, taken gently out of context to smack me about the head and face. But, regardless of all that, they are still silent when it comes to the topic of their own marriage.

I have an idea of what is going through their minds here. I am certain that a very small percentage of them believe a band of marauding gays will come along and force them to get divorced, then force them into homosexual marriages. Let's say, maybe 1% of them. Another 14% are frightened that their closeted child, spouse, or close friend will come out of the closet in the wake of the spreading tolerance and force them to deal directly with something that repulses them to their core. Another 35% are simply parroting what they are told to parrot by their religious leaders, the term for those people more closely then ever resembling actual Shepherds. The remaining 50% aren't really pausing to think about the ramifications of their actions, since they simply aren't gay and see no real reason to be invested.

On the pro-SSM side, the heterosexuals involved can be described very simply - people who have actually given it due consideration. We know personally, and closely, someone who is gay and affected by this decision. We see the human face of this every day, and we understand. Our marriages are =not= threatened. Our marriages will NOT collapse magically, and we will not be forced into homosexual marriages.

Lastly, we understand the nature of terms like "Equal Protection," "Equal Rights," and "Liberty and Justice for ALL." Think about that for a moment. This means ALL people, regardless of race, religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, or any other trait which can be used to divide people.

When you throw your support in for this "National Organization for Marriage", think carefully about what you are supporting. You are supporting discrimination based in fallacy. You are supporting degradation of an entire segment of your fellow citizens into a second class. You are supporting prejudice and spin, and they are happily duping you into that support. All it takes is for you to go with the flow, not thinking about the consequences of your actions.